woensdag 17 september 2014

Jamie Oliver's Banana & Honey Bread

Gepost door Unknown op 08:50
What up!
I have finally returned from hiatus, vowing solemnly not to take a break that long ever again.

Today I decided to try out Jamie Oliver's banana & honey bread. As opposed to Nigella Lawson's banana bread, this one actually gives you bread, which is pretty neat if you're looking for bread.

After finally seeing week 3 of the Great British Bake Off this weekend, I got all inspired to make bread, something which I've done a few times before, but usually hesitate to because it takes so long, and I hate getting up early in the morning when I don't have to.

I have some experience making Jamie's basic bread recipe, and I decided that, since the banana/honey version is not that much different, I should be able to pull it off in under three hours.
Also, since a kilo of flour will yield a huge bread, I decided I wanted to make half a batch.
Plans made, ready set bake!

My fails:
I took half the ingredients of everything, including bananas etc, but made the stupid mistake of 'topping it up' with too much water. Forgot that I'd only need have the liquid. Disaster.
What I got was closer to mud than to bread dough. Just no. On top of that, it took me ages to figure out why it did this.
As usual, I added slightly less water than the prescribed 625 ml because for some reason Dutch flours take up less liquid than English. It's never been that bad, though. Sortof felt like goo. Yuck.

Anyway, in the end I figured it out and felt rather stupid afterwards. To fix it, I took the dough out of the food processor, added the rest of the kilo pack of flour, added salt, honey and yeast so that it would have enough of those for a kilo of flour. More kneading, problem solved.

After that, it all went according to plan. Just after the first prove, I divided the dough into ten, and shaped them into cute balls. Second prove took a bit longer than 30 minutes because I wasn't satisfied with their height, but in the end I just plunged them into the oven and baked them for 20 minutes, which actually works. They were done after 20 minutes, if a bit pale. The honey hadn't caramelised as prettily as Jamie's buns, but then again, I'm only doing this for the first time in my life.

It's super tasty, even though I only put in 3,5 of the 6 required bananas in there. Why a half banana? I ate the other half meanwhile. Banana's banana.

Happy failing!

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